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In this department you will find household vessels, plates and spoons as well as small personal accessories such as dress pins and needleholders. For a history of household pewter please refer to the ‘History’ section of the website.
Note - A number of these items are currently unavailable (as of April 2019) due to a vital machine being out of action. They will become available once the machine is back in action.

AT1b Kings Head Dress Pin (long)
AT1b Kings Head Dress Pin (long)
AT1b Kings Head Dress Pin (long)

AT1b Kings Head Dress Pin (long)

150mm long.

15th century.

Pins were used in huge quantities in medieval dress and although the vast majority were of very simple design, a few more decorative versions do survive. The original on which this replica is based was found in London, and although undated it is felt to be similar in the design to 14th and 15th century coins to date it to this period.
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